billohno@gmail.com billohno@gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 09:57:41 EST 2017

I suspect the basement level of the WCAP radio shack where the Allis Chalmers diesel generators live has been likewise affected by backwater flooding. It’s a shame.

Ike and Maurice Cohen were considered frugal with the sizzle but the former engineer, Ike Cohen, bought the steak in 1980 when he put the 5 kW on air at the Totman Road site that abuts the State Forest. The 4 x 256 towers (2 day, 3 night) I’m well-cleared land we’re fed by a new Harris AM5. (I joined the station not long after and remained in various capacities until 2K.)

When Ike passed in the mid-1990s, the site began to fall into disrepair. Sadly, it appears, that under new ownership in 2011 did nothing to avert the trajectory. 

The Bauer 1 kW likely in full-time use, was the primary when it was located on Loon Hill in Dracut. We rarely fired it up except for Harris maintenance. But when I jocked the evening shift, we had a good signal south of Boston. But on the Bauer, it was hash. It’s possible the station is shooting out of one stick day and night at a kilowatt.

Bill O’Neill

> On Dec 30, 2017, at 8:24 AM, Mark Watson <markwats@comcast.net> wrote: 

> I'm not sure what the situation is with the transmitter plant, except for the fact the generator at the transmitter site hasn't worked in a long time. When there's a power outage in that area, they're off the air.
> Mark Watson

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