D. A. donald_astelle@yahoo.com
Tue Mar 10 21:03:10 EDT 2015

On Tue, 3/10/15, Bob Nelson <raccoonradio@gmail.com> wrote:
 >>He actually said this
 on the air ...on 1510AM? 
He said all of his other
 affiliates will continue toair the show, with
 WMEX running it all of this week

Wow...wonder what the arrangement was with 1510AM?  Cancellation with 7 days notice?

1510AM used the occasion of Howie's arrival to reclaim the WMEX calls, and put up a bunch of billboards.  They were also running spots on the air soliciting advertising for The Howie Carr Show.

I kinda feel like 1510AM got screwed.  

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