Looking for honest answers on this

A Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Thu Jun 12 01:17:47 EDT 2014

If they wanted classical music, they didn't have many alternatives.

On 6/11/2014 6:26 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

> At WCRB about a decade ago we commissioned a series of focus groups 
> and telephone surveys; one of the things we needed to find out was how 
> much of a tune-out commercials were. We found out that WCRB listeners 
> did not really have a problem with commercials (public radio-style 
> fundraising pitches, on the other hand, were detested), and at WCRB, 
> we ran three stopsets an hour in most hours.
> Mind you, this was a decade ago, and these were older folks who had 
> grown up listening to commercials on the radio. But my gut feeling is 
> that even today, long stopsets are not a big deal for most listeners.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.| 92 State Street| Suite 700 | Boston, MA 02109-2004
617.367.0468|Fx:617.507.7856| http://www.attorneyross.com

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