Fwd: Re: top-40 in 1957

A Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Sun Jun 1 01:03:04 EDT 2014

On 5/31/2014 2:37 PM, Mark Watson wrote:

> WBZ-AM went one step further with Kodachrome. They edited the song to start with the verse "If you took all the girls I knew when I was single". That cut it down to about a 2 minute song.

As I just said in another post, the version that I heard on WBZ 
substituted the "girls I knew when I was single" line for the "crap" 
line, and then repeated it in its normal place.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.| 92 State Street| Suite 700 | Boston, MA 02109-2004
617.367.0468|Fx:617.507.7856| http://www.attorneyross.com

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