Cumulus Buys Dial Global

A Joseph Ross
Sun Sep 1 00:33:49 EDT 2013

On 8/31/2013 12:10 PM, Donna Halper wrote:

> Mark Watson wrote--
>> Dial Global offers several satellite fed music formats, including the 
>> "Timeless Favorites" standards/soft AC format airing on WFEA 
>> Manchester. I believe Dial Global also operates the voice tracking 
>> service that is being used outside of AM drive and middays on WBOQ.
> And they syndicate several high-profile talkers, including Stephanie 
> Miller.  They used to distribute Ed Schultz when he was just getting 
> started.  Most of the talkers they distribute are conservatives, but 
> they were among the first to take a chance on some progressive/liberal 
> talkers, back when they were known as the Jones Radio Network.

Where did that name "Jones Radio Network" come from?  When I heard the 
liberal talkers, I thought the name might be related to Mother Jones 
magazine, but that doesn't sound entirely plausible somehow.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.| 92 State Street| Suite 700 | Boston, MA 02109-2004

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