Don Donald_Astelle@yahoo.com
Sun Nov 24 17:35:33 EST 2013

>> Did WNAC ever operate from the West Andover facility...at least
>> tempoirarily until they moved the transmitting site?
> No. The Burlington site was built by WLAW in the 1940s, long before WLAW 
> sold out to WNAC.

So the Eagle-Tribune (The Rogers Family) built and operated the site in 
Burlington as WLAW.

And the WNAC people took over the 680 frequency from the same site they have 
been operating from?  (Did I understand this right?)

Also, I remember reading the old newspaper articles from 1937/1939-ish 
about WLAW signing on.  The article mentioned it would have 1,000 watts of 
power.  (I assume omnidirectional.)

What were the steps of change from the orginal 1,000 watts omnidirectiional 
of 680....to the power and pattern they have today?

Anyone know the chronology of the changes in facilities (power and pattern)?

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