WBUR's L-O-N-G Station ID

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 01:15:27 EST 2013

Joe, W-KRPN was in Salt Lake City.


On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 1:05 AM, A Joseph Ross <joe@attorneyross.com> wrote:

> On 2/25/2013 4:23 PM, Don wrote:
>  Wasn't there a citation for the station in Ohio that would identify as:
>> "WGTZ Eaton (eatin') Dayton Alive!"
>> Or was that an old wives tale?  ;-)
> I doubt it was so, if "WGTZ EATON" was itself a legal ID.  I've always
> heard that whatever came before or after the legal ID didn't matter.
> There's also a story (true, I think) of a station in San Francisco that
> wanted to call itself WKRP, after the TV show.  Since they couldn't get a
> W- callsign, they got the call letters KRPN and IDed as "This is W -- KRPN
> San Francisco."  According to the story as I heard it, they got away with
> it.
> --
> A. Joseph Ross, J.D.| 92 State Street| Suite 700| Boston, MA 02109-2004
> 617.367.0468|Fx:617.507.7856| http://www.attorneyross.com

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