WENH - WGBH and Lawrence Welk

A Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Sat Sep 22 01:12:52 EDT 2012

On 9/21/2012 3:28 AM, Kevin Vahey wrote:

> WGBH has a little firestorm developing as they get ready to take over WENH
> (11) in Durham, NH.
> Since cable TV hit the Boston market WENH (11) has always been carried and
> many in the Boston area have given $$$$ support as they do not beg as
> shamefully as WGBH does. Many in the area sent checks to WENH instead of

I don't know about Boston, but back in the 1980s, when Boston's and 
Brookline's cable systems were run by Cablevision, the Selectman who was 
in charge of negotiations with Cablevision told me at one time that 
Cablevision people floated the idea of eliminating Channel 11 from their 
system.  The Selectman pointed out to him that Channel 11 carried Dr. 
Who at the time, and the biggest Dr. Who fan in Brookline was the person 
who, among other hats he wore, was the town's Cable TV ombudsman and 
staffed the Cable Monitoring Committee.  My Selectman friend was 
convinced that this was the reason Channel 11 was still on Brookline cable.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.|92 State Street|Suite 700|Boston, MA 02109-2004

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