WNBP-FM 106.1 W291CC

Bob Nelson raccoonradio@mail.com
Fri Oct 5 14:24:33 EDT 2012

Dial Global re-launched the NBC NewsRadio brand when they killed off the CNN brand, as Paul said, and there's also the new NBCSportsRadio brand which debuted on WWZN 1510 on Labor Day. 1510 runs both news and
 sports updates from NBC. For all I know they may or may not have actual NBC personalities on there.

 I believe Premiere has "Fox Sports Radio" which does have the Fox name and "music" but I don't know for sure if they're actually run by Fox (probably not) or have Fox TV sports personalities. Tom Looney of the JT The Brick show refers to NFL games as running on Fox TV, aka "The Big Fox".

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