FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai says it is time to rewrite rules for AM

Jibguy@aol.com Jibguy@aol.com
Tue Oct 2 00:40:21 EDT 2012

The Ajit Pai proposal has nothing to do with those LTAR-discussed  
antennae.  The LTAR-discussed ones took up a lot of land but were not tall,  and did 
not reduce skywave.  What Pai is talking about are towers that  would not 
send any skywave, therefore an AM using it/them could be on full power  at 
As to the long-wires, the FCC permits those in emergency situations. A  
station losing its tower site is regarded 'an emergency".  Such grants are  
given for 180 days.  But I know of a few stations that have gotten 5 or 6  
extensions, making the long-wire use being 3+ years.  As to long-wires'  signal, 
it's a fat/squashed figure-8, but the FCC officially counts its coverage  
as a round circle.

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