will bring WFNX staffers back online

Eli Polonsky
Tue Jun 26 15:23:50 EDT 2012

>Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 16:40:49 -0400
>From: "Lou" <>
>To: "'Donna Halper'" <>, "'Sean Smyth'"
>	<>
>Cc: 'Boston Radio Group' <>
>Subject: RE: will bring WFNX staffers back online
>Some with the online incarnations of WBCN are that:
>- There are two 'BCNs out there. Which one is legit?

They're both "legit" as they are both under the CBS
Boston umbrella. 98.5 HD2 "WBCN The Rock Of Boston" 
is supposed to be the music of the 1990's-2000's 
WBCN incarnation (no live DJ's on that one).

"WBCN Free Form Rock" 100.7 HD3, programmed by Sam 
Kopper is supposed to be the philosophy of the '60s/
'70s WBCN with music from then through today, and 
live DJ's some hours. 

>"Free Form BCN," keeps promising live jocks, but 
>I never hear them when I tune-in.

You're not listening at the right times. At minimum,
there are live DJ's most every weekday from at least
11 AM (or sometimes 12 noon) to 2 PM or later, often 
to 4 PM. Usually Sam, or new (but good) DJ Destiny 
Curtis. Occasionally, live DJ's start on as early as 
9 or 10 AM (occasionally early '90s WBCN DJ Carolyn 
Fox does a morning shift from 9 to 11 or noon). Sam 
usually keeps it live Friday evenings with a "Friday 
night party" until 9 PM.

Though there have been some live weekend shifts and 
weekend specials, there is nothing live regularly on
weekends at this point.


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