Longtime "Mediterranean Melodies" Host Bill Themelis Has Passed

Michael Wilkins wilkinsmg@hotmail.com
Sun Jan 22 10:13:29 EST 2012

> From: markwats@comcast.net
>   Bill Themelis, host of the long running Merrimack Valley radio show "Mediterranean Melodies" passed away on Friday according to the Lowell Sun.

Sad to hear... I used to run his tapes during my stint at WLLH in the late 80's... as I recall, he produced the show in his basement on that super-thin Realistic 1/4" tape. Met him several times, as he dropped off the reels. Several years later, I unexpectedly ran into his daughter at Mr. Music (Allston) while purchasing tickets to an event. She gave me her card, I noticed her name, and a wonderful conversation began! Always glad he found a home at WJUL/WUML after the WLLH sale.

"Who me? I'm Bill Themelis!"



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