doings at 680, 1510?

Bob DeMattia
Tue Aug 7 10:09:07 EDT 2012

*> Just what the world needs-- the same conservative talkers, over and
over, on station after station.  No offense to my conservative *
*> friends (and yes I do have some), but what would the harm be to let a
couple of high-profile leftie talkers be heard?*

While not nationally known, Jim and Majorie are in morning drive on WTKK.
 Between this and the
more "relaxed" NPR shows, I don't think there's any room for a competitor.
 TKK also has Doug
Meehan and Smirconish who while not being hard left, certainly aren't hard
right either.

Another possibility for the absence of hard left commentators on radio is
that the people who
tend to be hard left may not be interested in left wing theatrics similar
to what the righties


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