The sad, unwarranted decline of rock music on FM radio.

Dale H. Cook
Wed Nov 16 15:02:23 EST 2011

The primary key to making a voicetracked shift sound live is very 
simple - treat it as a live shift. Each track should be recorded in 
one shot - no re-recording and no editing of voicetracks. The best 
local announcers who I have worked with, in terms of making a 
voicetracked shift sound live, have always done exactly that, back to 
the days of pre-recording tracks on tape. The mistakes are left in, 
because in a live shift you cannot backtrack to correct errors, you 
can only correct them on the fly. The announcers who I have worked 
with who re-recorded tracks, sometime many times, have not, in 
general, sounded as fresh as those who excelled at recording each 
track but once.

Dale H. Cook, Contract Engineer, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA 

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