WHDN (was Re: Food Chains (was: Blaw-Knox towers and Nashville))

Richard Chonak rac@gabrielmass.com
Fri Mar 18 12:09:27 EDT 2011

Similarly, Boston Market, in the '90s, expanded quickly before they went 
bankrupt and were bought by McDs.

Five Guys is arriving in MA and I wonder whether they might be heading 
toward the same mistake.

Back to broadcasting:

Is WHDN-LD (channel 38) carried on any of the local cable systems?   I 
don't think they are on Verizon's channel list where I live.


On 03/18/2011 10:51 AM, Brian Vita wrote:
> Two words to sum up expansion failure:  Krispy Kreme.
> Pro Cinema - Pro Audio - Pro&  Consumer AV Equipment&  Supplies
> Brian Vita
> President
>>>> Sonic's model doesn't work north of the Mason-Dixon  line, where nobody
> wants to be outside in their car waiting for food in the  middle of
> December. They've tried to make inroads in the Midwest, but it's  an iffy
> proposition even in places like Cleveland and Fort Wayne; indeed,  the
> Fort Wayne locations recently closed, much to my summer travel  dismay.<<<

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