How does radio in 2011 deal with this?
Tue Mar 15 20:40:46 EDT 2011

Perhaps, but the courts aren't helping the situation  either. When will the 
obscenity appeal be heard in a decade or so? Freedom of speech? The FCC 
can't really prosecute a radio station until  it is resolved. WBMT has been 
sitting on a profanity complaint for years and  they still don't have a their 
license renewed from the last renewal  period.
Who knows with today's younger generation profanity might  be what brings 
them back to radio and the "oldies but goodies" away from  radio.
In a message dated 3/15/2011 6:35:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

>>>The consumers have spoken...and pirate stations exploit  this.

Will we see a day the FCC finally waves the white  flag?<<<

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