Wanna buy WRMO(FM)?

Sid Schweiger sid@wrko.com
Sat Nov 6 13:29:13 EDT 2010

"That probably would have been easier to do years ago, but by now probably quite a few of the true Jazz aficionados have bought satellite radio, so you might have a hard time weaning those people away to your station."

With or without satellite radio in the picture, jazz formats on radio have always had a difficult time sustaining themselves economically, even in the big cities where you'd expect to find enough of an audience to keep the format running.  The "smooth jazz" formats of the late 1908s and 1990s always had some other non-jazz genres mixed in to broaden their appeal, but even those stations are for the most part gone now.

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom New England
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Brighton MA  02135-2040

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