Larry Glick Remembered

Bill O'Neill
Sun Mar 29 16:32:01 EDT 2009

Ted Larsen wrote:
> He loved calling me "Thor" which is my real name. Wonderful memories.
> Rest well dear friend,
> Ted Larsen

Ted, I distinctly recall his conversations with 'Thor' and enjoyed your 
exchanges very much.  I never met Larry but, like many here, felt like I 
did. I consider Larry to have been a major influence on my interest in 
transitioning over to talk. He made the gig appear effortless (it's not) 
and was dedicated to one listener at a time (a lost art.)

Lorenzo was the master of having fun with callers who would be, 
invariably, clueless to the fact that they were playing into the Glick 
sarcasm and joke's-on-you wheel house.

I'd mentioned here before (after 13 yrs it's bound to happen) that a 
"Where were you when..." moment for me was I was listening to Larry (in 
crosstalk with Bruce Schwoegler) when Larry announced shooting death of 
Beatle John Lennon.  For a show that was so easy to listen to, Larry 
showed his range that night.

My condolences to Larry's buds.

Bill O'Neill

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