Paul Harvey

Mike Ward
Wed Mar 4 12:34:58 EST 2009

Paul Anderson wrote:

> What program or person is on instead of "Paul Harvey News and Comment" 
> (or whatever it has been called since Paul Harvey Jr. pretty much took 
> over the show) this week?

The regular Harvey time slots are being filled with an ongoing 
tribute/retrospective, mostly hosted by Gil Gross...though I think I 
read somewhere that Doug Limerick was in that mix, too.

You can hear the segments at

What they do after Friday?  It's not known yet.  Supposedly, Paul Jr. 
has major input into what happens next, per a New York Daily News 
article earlier this week...aside from that, many are wondering if ABC 
will try to sell PH affiliates on Mike Huckabee if possible.

Not as a replacement for the PH broadcasts, but his existing 
segments...two commentaries, one morning, one afternoon, 3 minutes (plus 
a minute spot) long...

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