KSCO, like WJIB, a commercial station asking for donations

Eli Polonsky elipolo@earthlink.net
Mon Jan 12 20:51:41 EST 2009

>From: Kevin Vahey <kvahey@comcast.net>
>Sent: Jan 12, 2009 5:44 PM
>Probably goes back to when Simon was fighting to keep 
>license he had to sign off on WRBB going on the air in 
>Boston to get his renewal.
>On 1/12/09, A. Joseph Ross <Joe@attorneyross.com> wrote:
>> On 12 Jan 2009 Eli Polonsky wrote:
>>> I'd imagine that Pat Monteith probably had something
>>> to do with objecting to WRBB when it was on 91.7 in
>>> Boston, on the adjacent channel to WUMB.
>> So howcum WBOQ can't object to WRBB?

I don't know about any dealings that Geller may have
allegedly had to make many years ago, but as far as
I know, WBOQ can not object to WRBB because WRBB's 
coverage area in which they interfere with WBOQ is
outside of WBOQ's primary protected service contour.

If I'm correct, protection for WBOQ doesn't extend
to areas approximately south of the Tobin Bridge,
which includes all areas in which WRBB interferes.

When WBOQ was WVCA owned by Geller, it put out even
less wattage than since it was upgraded as WBOQ, so
their protected area was probably even smaller then.

Though I don't actually know what role WUMB may have
had in WRBB moving from 91.7, WRBB's coverage area 
is inside of WUMB's primary service contour (as well 
as in the same City of License), so WUMB would have
had a legitimate complaint of first-adjacent channel
interference within their protected service contour.


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