Finneran Asks For A Pardon

Bob Nelson
Sat Jan 10 12:12:37 EST 2009

Well, Romney, to his credit, did not write a letter of recommendation. All 4 former Republican
governors, though (sorry for politics folks!) are considered "Republicans in Name Only"
by many conservatives (I'm unenrolled and conservative on most issues; politically I would
agree with Weld and Romney; Swift was an embarassment). I don't know if Bush would pardon him, though. (As I've said
before, where people stand depends on where you are on the political spectrum. My friend in
Cal-ee-for-nee-a probably feels The Governator is far right wing. Many conservatives, though, call him
a RINO or even liberal!)

Howie probably would go after them, but not as stridently as he goes after Finneran
himself. He does occasionally poke fun at Republicans, such as Swift, Matt Amorello,
Larry Craig ("I go to that bathroom regularly"), etc.

Interesting though that, indeed, he could walk away from the sneaker building if he
gets the pardon!

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