More on the FD

Sid Schweiger
Sat Feb 28 12:51:53 EST 2009

>>Can't believe I'm defending RL  but he has restated again and again what 
he said in the Sean Hannity TV interview (and I You Tubed it to check) 
was a contextual statement on the proposed fiscal policies of the BO 
administration and that he was in disagreement; ergo,  he was desirous 
of failure in achieving those policies.<<

Say what you want, but on one of those rare occasions when I was listening at work, I heard him say (direct quote):  "I want President Obama to fail."  From there he went on to defend that statement in full, not just in some narrow context.  The back-pedaling puts him in the same class with every politician who ever had to follow-up a controversial statement with "What I meant was..."  Whining that he was taken out of context, when he regularly accuses politicians of not toeing his ideological line by doing exactly the same thing to them, doesn't cut the mustard.  Talk-show hosts' words don't simply disappear into the ether anymore, not in these days of YouTube, digital recorders and media watchdog organizations.

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom New England
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Brighton MA  02135-2040

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