Michael Savage vs The Fairness Doctrine

Richard Chonak rac@gabrielmass.com
Wed Feb 25 01:49:52 EST 2009

Donna wrote:
> A couple of congresspeople like it and want it, but that's hardly 
> a major movement. 

A little internet searching turned up some big names in support of a 
revived "Fairness Doctrine", including one of our own Commonwealth's 
U.S. Senators.

Senators Schumer and Durbin have called for it:

Senator Kerry called for it in 2007, as have Senator Feinstein and Rep. 

Speaker Pelosi said she wants it, at a June 2008 event sponsored by the 
Christian Science Monitor:

So while a new "Fairness Doctrine" may really be an unattainable liberal 
day-dream, that list of powerful Democrats (plus Kucinich who is 
arguably not powerful) gives FD opponents plenty of reason to gear up a 
campaign against it.


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