WCBS Newsradio 880 in HD, FM that is!

markwa1ion@aol.com markwa1ion@aol.com
Fri Oct 3 08:23:48 EDT 2008

From: brian_vita@cssinc.com (Brian Vita)
Yes, I can pick up WBZ in analog at my office in Peabody but it's 
riddled with noise, not only from the electronics within my office but 
also atmospheric and skip interference.

V-Soft rates WBZ at 89.8 dBu or 31.1 mV/m in Peabody, MA 01960.  It is 
the strongest Boston station in that town.

If this is not an adequate signal to overcome manmade noise and skip 
interference, then exactly what is ?

Mark Connelly - Billerica, MA

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