Beck's politeness, Smerconish's endorsement

Garrett Wollman
Thu Nov 6 15:26:04 EST 2008

<<On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 15:10:08 -0500, Larry Weil <> said:

> Absolutely!  But, the problem is where does "debate and disagree" end and
> "unfair attack" begin?  That's a point I'm sure we (and various radio & TV
> hosts) could debate forever. 

Well, the usual recourse for "unfair attack" is the courts.  Or
country has intentionally made it extremely difficult for a public
figure such as a politician to prevail in a defamation case.

BTW, Larry, can you explain what the deal was with your station taking
the (rather small-market-style) national "local" breaks during the
10:00 hour?  Was it just that Randy and Whoever were doing a regular
newscast for 56 during that hour?  Seems like they could have found
another way.  (For the sake of balance I'll note that 4 didn't go
local in the 11:00 hour like 5 and 7 did.  Did they even do a local
cast at all Tuesday night?)


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