Dennis & Callahan criticized for "election postponed" joke

Don A
Wed Nov 5 16:07:33 EST 2008

>>They own the spectrum.  It is a public resource, like a national park.  We
occaisionally give people permits to operate on such....but it must be in
the public interest...Don't be ridiculous.  Like I said, they own the 
spectrum.  It's a public

>> Prove it.  Show me where, at law, public ownership is conferred.

Show me where oxygen, by law,  public ownership is conferred.

Radio station owners are not given "ownership", they are granted a "license" 
for a specific period of time.

(Ask Bill Gates the difference between the two and how that works.)

The terminology was that they were a public "trustee".

(You do remember the words "in the public interest as a public trustee".) 

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