Salvation Army Honors Former WCAP Owner Maurice Cohen

Mark Watson
Sat May 31 12:51:41 EDT 2008

  Today's (Saturday 5/31) Lowell Sun contains an article about the recent 
annual Lowell Salvation Army Corps Annual Civic Dinner, where former WCAP 
owner Maurice Cohen was presented the the Salvation Army's "Others" award, 
the highest honor they bestow on civilians. For 35 years, Maurice Cohen, 
along with his late brother Ike (who served as a Salvation Army board member 
for 20 years) raised tens of thousands of dollars via yearly radiothons and 
special remote broadcasts on WCAP. The radiothons continue under WCAP's new 
ownership. In fact, one of WCAP's new co-owners, Sam Poulten, represented 
5th District Congresswoman Niki Tsongas and presented Maurice with a 
Congressional citation.

   The article can be found on the Lowell Sun's website:

  Mark Watson

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