A. Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Tue Mar 25 01:02:00 EDT 2008

On 24 Mar 2008 at 14:30, Doug Drown wrote:

> I can remember moments when Gus would have to get a little firm with
> an unruly kid, but he was never unruffled and was never disrespectful
> toward the children.  

I have a video of the 10th anniversary Howdy Doody Show, where, while 
Buffalo Bob is talking to the camera, a kid in the peanut gallery 
stands up and reaches over to a puppet on the puppet stage.  Buffalo 
Bob reaches back and pushes the kid down into his seat without ever 
breaking his speaking or taking his eye off the camera.  A real 

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 92 State Street, Suite 700                   Fax 617.507.7856
Boston, MA 02109-2004           	         http://www.attorneyross.com

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