Why Talk Radio is largely conservative - (Was: Howie Carr, etc. etc. etc)

Bill O'Neill billohno@gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 20:19:23 EDT 2008

Don A wrote:
> Another example is when they cover a protest by a Pro-Life group (Mass 
> Citizens for life, who want to stop abortion, death penaly, 
> euthanasia)....they are often referred to as "anti-abortion".
> The facts can be presented in many ways.
One of the few times I'd ever responded to a TV editorial was about 5 
years ago with WPTZ TV (5, Burlington).  The GM who does the editorials 
did put my rebuttal on, fair and square and without prejudice. Class act 
all around.  Here was the deal (paraphrased):

"Marchers in the parade are going to represent an open and affirming 
point of view about the (then proposed) civil union law.  Those in 
protest will also be present, etc....."

My view was that the wording reflected a bias such that those in favor 
of the civil union law were 'open and affirming' where those who may 
have objected were protesters, closed and non-affirming.  I added that 
Vermont is notorious for refreshingly civil displays of opposing 
viewpoints and that the language in the story could even go so far as to 
incite.  The station said it was grateful for my pointing that out and 
we all moved on.

I think that we can pile-on (I know that I can) when it comes to the 
media but we as consumers of media share a responsibility too.

Bill O'Neill

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