"Max Headroom" television takeover - 20th anniversary

Bill O'Neill billohno@gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 18:39:32 EST 2007

mike@miscon.net wrote:
> My question is: has anything like that (the complete overtaking of
> an established radio or television signal) been done (or
> attempted) here in Boston?

Can't think of one right now, Mr. Mike -- But this guy distinctly 
recalls an uber-funny bit voiced by you, say, 25 years ago, with the 
kicker line, "You know, I really hate beans" [fade crackling fire / 
harmonica sfx].  Whenever I have reminded my old college radio buddy, 
Mike, of this bit he recalls it but tends to look at me as if to say, 
"Bill, it was /okay/ but not that okay. How do you remember that?"  
(Perhaps mental state of mind when first heard back in the day?  Er, 
just a hunch.)

Raises the question of production gems one may have produced -- but at 
the time they were just one-take wonders, lost and found edits from the 
floor at 2 a.m., etc., but manage live on in one's fading memory?  Live 
spots tend to be ripe for moments like that.  I once stumbled all over 
the name "Schweppes" even on the second try (HDH) and bailed on it with 
"...great taste -- tough to say...."  It was a bullet dodged.  Gone in 
an instant, but lingers on in memory.  It's been awhile since we had a 
'most embarrassing moment' dialoggguuue....

Bill O'Neill

I could tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio.
/Rodney Dangerfield/

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