WAMG-AM 890 Testing Nighttime CP

Laurence Glavin lglavin@mail.com
Fri May 4 17:09:18 EDT 2007

Earlier this week, I noticed that WAMG-AM 890 was coming in better than usual here in
the Massachusetts segment of the Merrimack River Valley, with a signal at about the
same strength as WGAM-AM 900 in Nashwah (when AM 900 was WMVU, its station ID jingle
went "WMVU, Nashwah"). Since this would have had an impact on WGAM, I posted to the
Northern New England Board of radio-info.com, and WAMG's CE Chris Hall replied that
the station is doing daytime tests of its CP for changes to the nighttime pattern.
Since the pattern and power increase seem to be resulting in more signal due north, 
I wonder how much will be directed towards Boston, or even Dedham, its City (actually
town) of License?

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