Terrestrial online radio

David Tomm nostaticatall@charter.net
Tue Jun 12 19:04:09 EDT 2007

Not trying to come off snippy here, but what does this have to do with  
Boston radio, or New England radio for that matter?  Most of us on this  
list have probably been following this story on the major industry  
sites like All Access, Radio & Records, etc.  There's nothing in this  
post that ties into anything locally.  Is there a major webcaster based  
in this area that might be affected?  How are the corporate clusters in  
our region handling their online presence?  Next time, don't spam up  
our mailboxes with your "save internet radio" crap unless you actually  
can discuss how it affects our area specifically.  Thanks.

-Dave Tomm
"Mike Thomas"

On Jun 12, 2007, at 6:21 PM, Russ Butler wrote:

> News you can use!  Today's New York Times reports that a tumultuous  
> time for Internet-only webcasters is coinciding with a push by  
> terrestrial broadcasters to expand their presence online.  Here's the  
> story from NYTimesOnline:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/12/arts/music/12RADIO.html? 
> _r=2&pagewanted=2&ref=music&oref=slogin
> There is a newly imposed royalty rate increase with a July 15th  
> deadline for the webcasters (and, apparently there will be terrestrial  
> broadcasters as well, eventually)
> so - what to do?  Go here and participate.  Thanks.
> http://www.savenetradio.org/

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