Group W

Robert S Chase
Tue Feb 6 13:42:14 EST 2007

Arlo Guthrie refers to the Group W bench in his classic "Alice's Restaurant" 
rendition. Does anybody know if he based it on the Westinghouse Group W tag 
and if not where it came from. (It obviously has nothing to do with details 
of the "masacree." I have always wanted to know what the answer to that 
question was and have never found an answer.


>WBZ or channel 5 or 7 (pre-cable
> days).  Channel 4 was always referred to as WBZ.  The others were just
> channel numbers.  I still miss hearing (or seeing) "A Group W station"
> at the end of the ID, though, ironicly it was years before I new what
> the hell "Group W" was. 

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