The final moments of WNAC-TV

Sun Dec 9 17:51:09 EST 2007

I'm not sure whether Leif Jenssen is still alive but I think he is.
His son, Gregg, does news at WBZ Radio. Despite great pipes, which he
clearly inherited from his dad, Gregg is plagued by an odd accent that
I can't classify or characterize. All I can say about it is that it
doesn't take long to get very old. Makes him kind of an automatic
tune-out for me.

Dan Strassberg (
eFax 1-707-215-6367

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Vahey" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 5:45 PM
Subject: The final moments of WNAC-TV

> Like WHDH-TV Channel 5 10 years earlier, WNAC-TV it's very checkered
> history without a whimper on May 22, 1982.
> Then WNEV was born
> The booth announcer was Leif Jensen ( is he still alive? )
> A few months ago somebody posted the famed harpsichord sign off of
> WGBH. Now the complete sign off with William Pierce is online.

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