WTNN update

Bill O'Neill billo@shoreham.net
Thu Apr 12 22:18:11 EDT 2007

Just a quick update on the newest Champlain Valley station "Eagle 
Country 97.5."  It looks like they are going with a refreshing strategy 
in that they are not hyping "new."  The "ten-thousand-in-a-row" is as 
good a cover for we-haven't-built-our-inventory-yet.  They team-read 
news, swapping the rip-n-read alternating regional with world stories.  
At this point (hopefully temporarily) they are having a jock read the 
weather as a "forecaster."  San Diego, maybe (79 and sunny for 9 
months), but in Vermont - a bit risky. So far, not a bad start.

Bill O'Neill

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