Naming Rights for Radio Station Broadcast Studio ??
Sat Mar 11 18:03:32 EST 2006

Sort of sounds like what many stations once did...

"Joe's jewelers time is now 5:55 on WXYZ" (talk about a traffic/billing the heck do you schedule those??!?!?)  Then again - its probably a great way to capitialize on those businesses who want to spend short money on radio...

Sponsoring something that really isn't "sponsorable" is a long time tradition in radio...that's what makes us so "special".  Has anyone worked at a station that could have been sponsored?  Can anyone think of broadcast studios that someone might want to sponsor if they REALLY saw what (most) radio studios REALLY looked like?  Nothing better than nicotine stained consoles, burn marks on the edge of counters, and communities of spider webs above the antique studio speakers..


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: John Bolduc <>
> I've wasn't paying much attention to WGIR 610 AM Manchester NH the past
> few weeks when the say something like" Brodcasting from the Manchester
> Airport Studios.  However, a rare time when listening to the 101.1 FM
> side, I hear the rocker say something like: Broadcasting from the Verizon
> Broadcast Studios.
> I'm now saying to myself, their studios are in a building on the west side
> of the city, not at the locations they're stating.
> Light bulb clicks on, and I say to myself, ^%$&%$^ They're selling the
> naming rights to their broadcast studios much like a sports stadium sells
> its naming rights.
> Is my theory valid?
> John B
> Derry 

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