Top 40 competitors

Fri Jun 16 07:23:22 EDT 2006

Rick Kelly wrote:
>On 6/15/06, Doug Drown <> wrote:
>>Following up on Boom Boom Brannigan's years at WPTR when it was a Top 40
>>station:  I'm curious about the ratings wars that existed in metro areas
>>such as Albany, Hartford, Providence, Portland, Manchester, and Boston back
>>when each of those cities had (in most cases) two dominant Top 40 stations.
>>In Albany-Schenectady-Troy, for example, which station carried the top
>>ratings most of the time --- WPTR or WTRY?   Can anyone comment on the other
>>aforementioned cities, and others?
>In Albany, WTRY dominated, although WPTR had the occasional "bump".
>In Hartford, WDRC dominated.

Funny how perception differs from reality...I grew up in small-town 
southern Vt. where WPTR boomed in (so to speak) and WTRY was barely audible 
I always thought WPTR was the market leader.  Likewise in Buffalo, from 
what I hear some little graveyard channel station was a major thorn in 
WKBW's side.  Of course outside the metro KB's superior signal won out.

WKBR pretty much owned Manchester thru the 60s into the mid 70s despite 
WFEA having a better signal.

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