UPN, WB to merge (affect on 38, 56?)

Peter Murray pete@partnercomm.com
Thu Jan 26 08:48:51 EST 2006

Rob Trovato wrote:
>> "We couldn't call it 'the WC,' for obvious reasons,"
>> Moonves joked.
> Can I be the dope that asks someone to explain what is
> so obvious?
Don't feel like such a dope - the first time I saw that mentioned, I 
thought: "Right - don't just increment.", along the lines of WB, WC, 
WD.... The Water Closet thought came to me later...

I will, however join the chorus of those who think CW is not brilliant. 
Who thinks of CBS as "Columbia Broadcasting System" anymore anyway (who 
isn't older than Dan Strassberg :) )? I can see the logic behind 
Columbia-Warner, but... I still will think of Morse code, or how similar 
it is to DW (Deutsche Welle). I expect the marketing folks are hot on 
the trail of the "real" name for this network...


Peter Murray (N3IXY)
Vienna, VA

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