Employment Opportunity(?) At WXKS-AM/WKOX-AM

A. Joseph Ross Joe@attorneyross.com
Fri Dec 8 17:24:49 EST 2006

On 8 Dec 2006 Laurence Glavin wrote:

> I heard an announcement earlier today (Fri, 11/08) on WXKS-AM
> for a sales rep to sell time on Boston's Progressive Talk station! No
> reference to a Spanish-language requirement.

That sounds like the same announcement they've been using for a long 
time.  Too many things are done automatically these days, and it 
makes for some very incompetent appearances.

Last night, as I was watching TV, a network ad or promo started, then 
it was cut off by a local ad.  Later, a local news promo was cut off 
by another ad.  And, as I previously noted, during last week's 
changeover, WKLB played the National Anthem as their last record on 
99.5, but it was cut off and finished on 102.5.  I assume this was 
all automated, where a human engineer would have had the sense to 
wait another second to let it finish.

I suppose this is in the same category as the frequent dropped verbs 
and other gramatical glitches caused by bad word processing editing 
and is a sign of the decline and fall of civilization.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                   617.367.0468
15 Court Square, Suite 210         Fax: 617.742.7581
Boston, MA 02108-2503         http://www.attorneyross.com

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