WXKS-AM/WKOX-AM Ask For Votes On Programming

markwa1ion@aol.com markwa1ion@aol.com
Wed Dec 6 22:29:46 EST 2006

My attitude is that WXKS-1430 should either pick up
(1) a good upbeat standards / big-band / hot jazz / Broadway format 
(something like '80s-era WNEW-1130 NYC Jazzbeaux Collins Blue Grotto - 
Milkman's Matinee; or like Bill Marlowe's old local gigs)
(2) an oldies format that de-emphasizes disco and turns up the flame 
for 1954-1964 R&B / doo-wop / rockabilly instead.  In other words, the 
"anti-WODS".  For a canned format, the True Oldies package abandoned by 
WCRN-830 a year or so back would suffice.  Not perfect but passable 
compared to the "oldies" farce that is 103.3.

WKOX-1200 should STAY IN FRAMINGHAM; go 50 kW day & night and be a 
news-dominated WBZ-like FULL SERVICE station covering Metro-West: the 
area bounded by Route 128 on the inside, Route 495 on the outside, 
Route 3 (Burlington-Lowell segment) on the north and Route 1 
(Dedham-Attleborough) on the south.  This is a highly-populated and 
affluent area that needs to have coverage more specialized and local 
than what Boston and Worcester stations can offer.  Concord on 1120 
should be (but isn't) doing that job.  1470 that used to be 
Marlborough's local is now a total waste: it turned into something as 
flamingly useless as the once-proud neighborhood stations in Quincy 
(WJDA) and Salem (WESX).  The Ashland thing on 650 gets out about as 
well as a phone made of paper cups and a string.  And its format: of 
course even yet more foreign junk.  I think the objective is to make it 
totally unnecessary for immigrants ever to learn English.

We have enough brokered religious stations, political axe-to-grind 
talkers, and ethnic things.  Radio should be a little more fun (a la 
mid-'60s) instead of the dreary landscape we're getting now.

Just my 2 cents.

Mark Connelly - Billerica, MA
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