FCC Annual Report 1965 - Education TV Underwriting

A. Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Wed Sep 7 01:22:57 EDT 2005

On 6 Sep 2005 at 15:01, Eli Polonsky wrote:

> I remember it, as a kid in the early 60's. Public TV was, in general,
> much more basic and stripped down back then, and some of the daytime
> programming was actually educational enough in nature that the grade
> school I went to used to occasionally wheel out their old 21" 1950's
> tube sets on rolling carts and have the class watch WGBH-TV programs.
I remember that in the late 50s/early 60s.  I remember some professor doing a series about 
MacBeth, and the high school schedule was contorted to allow the English classes studying 
MacBeth at the time to be at the TV when the program was on.  Nowadays it would be taped 
and shown when convenient.  In fact, a few years ago, when I got a tour of my old high 
school, I noted that every class now had a TV and VCR.  This was before the formation of 
the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and channel 2 was off the air in the daytime, except 
for these 21-inch classroom programs.  It also wasn't on the air Saturday at all, but it was on 
all day on Sunday.

In the early 50s, when I lived in the Albany area, there was no noncommercial station in the 
area, and WRGB/6 had two half-hour segments on weekday mornings called "TV 
Schooltime."  This consisted of presentations by local elementary school teachers, often 
with a group of their students.  When one of the teachers in our school was on, many of us 
got to crowd around the school TV, which was in the library, to watch.  

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210                 Fax 617.742.7581
Boston, MA 02108-2503           	         http://www.attorneyross.com

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