Why TSL May Be Down

Cooper Fox fox893@yahoo.com
Fri Oct 21 06:50:34 EDT 2005

--- Laurence Glavin <lglavin@lycos.com> wrote:

> Wonder why time spent listening may be on a downward
> spiral among certain demographics?  This may help
> clarify matters:

The author seems to have forgotten(well, mostly
forgotten) the variety on radio.  He mentions the
uncertainty of music(and counters with the comment
about the shuffle button) but really does not really
go into the fact that you can hear that new song(that
you may not know about for weeks if ya weren't
listening) and also hear the jock tell you the artist,
title , album it is from, what it is about, etc. 
Also, he/she never comments on the quality difference.
 Can an MP3 sound as good as a well processed FM? 
Sure!  Do they always?  No.  Believe me, I have done
my share of downloading music and the quality level is
not always there.  Heck, I have downloaded spots(yes,
it was the "for airply" version and not just the
low-quality sample) from national agencies that make
me CRINGE when I hear them because the sample rate is
so low.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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