Ahhhh!! Boston TV Memories!!

A. Joseph Ross Joe@attorneyross.com
Fri Nov 4 13:13:46 EST 2005

On 4 Nov 2005 Doug Drown wrote:

> I never did find out who Willie Whistle really was after the show was
> discontinued.  I always thought that was a totally unique act.  I've
> never known of anyone like him anywhere else.

I remember once, sometime in the early 70s, I was walking down Tremont Street along the 
Common, and I suddenly heard Willie Whistle, saying, "Hi, how're you doin'?"   I did a 
double-take and saw him walking along, in costume, with some other people, and he 
seemed to enjoy my reaction.

Whenever I saw him on TV, I assumed the "voice" was dubbed somehow with a special 
effect, but apparently he was able to do that by himself.  I've always wondered how.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                   617.367.0468
15 Court Square, Suite 210         Fax: 617.742.7581
Boston, MA 02108-2503         http://www.attorneyross.com

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