Bill Moyers' Speech on C-Span Saturday Morning

Laurence Glavin
Fri May 20 18:02:13 EDT 2005

I just checked the C-Span1 schedule, and Bill Moyers'
speech delivered last Sunday night is due to be repeated
Saturday morning, May 21st at 10:00 edst.  I saw it last 
Monday night, and even if you're not a Bill Moyers fan, and
didn't particularly care for the "Now" PBS show, you ought
to consider viewing it tomorrow or tape/and or TIVO it.
You've probably never seen Bill Moyers quite like this,
and he makes quite a few interesting points.  It's about
an hour and 5 minutes in length...with C-Span1 I usually set 
the timer a little earlier and later than the window...
the early morning talk show is advertised as 7:00 am until
10:00, but could run over. 

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