What, no pranksters?

Richard Chonak rac@gabrielmass.com
Thu Sep 16 00:54:12 EDT 2004

With Florida serving as a revolving door for storms this month, ABC's 
low-budget cable news channel has been showing live coverage of the 
hurricanes from affiliates in that state.

During those hours of free-form (or even formless) live news, some of 
the stations have resorted to taking live phone calls on-air from 
viewers giving information or even seeking help.   It sounds like a 
perfect opportunity for the Stern fans to trick their way onto the air.

I'm waiting for some joker to call in and say: "The tornado passed 
through here, and I'm still shakin' over it!   We got a lot of strong 
wind: it was howlin' and whistlin', just ba-boooooeeee: can you say 
that, ba-boooooeeee?"


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