Dean Johnson gets shafted

Donna Halper
Sat Nov 27 22:59:26 EST 2004

Okay fine, now I've heard everything.  I think we would all agree, no 
matter what our political persuasions, that Dean Johnson, the media critic 
for the Boston Herald, has always been fair and unlike a certain former 
columnist for the Globe, he is pretty accurate.  I just heard from Dean 
(we've been friends for years) and he is really upset-- they've cancelled 
his radio column and after 20 years of doing it, I fail to see why it got 
the axe.  Lord knows there is plenty to write about, especially given how 
important radio has become in the political scene and how much news about 
radio has made all the various media outlets this year.  One would think 
the Herald would respect Dean's expertise-- but evidently 20 years of doing 
a good job doesn't mean much at the Herald... [rant mode off]  

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