Salem running commercials on WBZ?

David Tomm
Sun Nov 21 03:24:40 EST 2004

On Nov 20, 2004, at 11:00 AM, Bob Nelson wrote:
> By the way, in my post about the Wisconsin talk show host yesterday:
> my point was that the _mainstream media_ would probably overlook
> his referral to Condi Rice as an "Aunt Jemima" and Colin Powell
> as an "Uncle Tom" (although conservative talk radio did mention it).

And it was a major topic on WKOX/WXKS the day the story broke, so the 
liberal media did not try to bury it, as some conservatives have 

> Had a conservative talker like Rush referred to someone in that
> way it would be all over the news.

That's crap.  Just last week a non-syndicated conservative host got 
into hot water for referring to Mexican-Americans as "wetbacks."  That 
story got similar press in industry circles as the liberal host who 
criticized Condi & Colin.  If anything, the liberal host is getting 
slightly more heat since the radio industry tends to lean much more 
conservative than other media.

> Donna did have a point in saying that black people also use these 
> terms (in describing fellow blacks
> as "sellouts" or "subservient") and yes there probably have been
> times when, say, a conservative talk host may have said something
> similarly outrageous (Savage, Rush, Carr, etc.) But when it comes
> to the mainstream media (I know, I must be getting brainwashed by
> Free Republic!), the transgressions of liberals don't get quite the 
> play that the transgressions of conservatives do.

Also keep in mind that conservative talk radio is much more dominant in 
the industry than liberal talk is.  There are simply more chances for 
conservatives to screw up because there are many more shows!  Savage 
says outrageous things all the time but because he generates ratings 
and is good for business, stations look the other way, even if barraged 
by complaints.  Look at what happened at WRKO awhile back with Savage.  
Left leaning talk shows would NEVER get that much leeway.

--Dave Tomm
"Mike Thomas"

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