WATD coverage

madprof madprof@ix.netcom.com
Tue Jun 1 08:31:39 EDT 2004

 presuming you mean the FM 95.9.....
 suspicion is that there are large / metal buildings  either in the path to
 your home,
 or causing reflections which cancel some signal strength by reverse phasing
 (due to difference of signal path of reflections).
 WATD-FM is a class A station, and  the distance to Brookline would
 predict usable signal strength.
 Note that a side channel is WZID 95.7 Manchester NH,  class B, so could
 also reduce  your home reception, especialy if reflections.

 Swampscott?  that surprizes me..... bet Ed Perry (owner of WATD)
 would love to know this!   I'm forwarding your report to him.

 Bob / MadProf

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "A. Joseph Ross" <lawyer@attorneyross.com>
> To: <boston-radio-interest@rolinin.BostonRadio.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 12:01 AM
> Subject: WATD coverage
> > I've written before about how I can get WATD on my car radio in
> (with a few dropout
> > spots here and there), but can't get it on any of my home radios except
> livingroom
> > stereo, and then not very well.

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