Oak Hill Park, Newton MA Towers Nixed

Sid Schweiger sid@wrko.com
Thu Jul 15 06:54:08 EDT 2004

>>they seem to believe that they have some sort of regulatory power over the RF that the site will put out.<<

It seems to be endemic these days.  After all, the FCC and Congress have repeatedly shown that they think they can alter the laws of physics.

>>Only once those five short sticks were built, along with the appropriately oversized buildings to service them, would I have filed the apps for the WUNR power increase and the WRCA/WKOX moves. At that point, it's pure federal jurisdiction and there's not a thing Newton could have done to stop it.<<

Such a drastic increase in radiated power from the site, while not under local jurisdiction, triggers an FCC requirement for an environmental impact study, which could ultimately have the same result, especially given the number of residences close to the site.

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom Boston LLC
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Boston MA  02135-2040

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