(no subject)

Donna Halper dlh@donnahalper.com
Thu Dec 16 12:54:45 EST 2004

At 12:38 PM 12/16/2004 -0500, Keating Willcox wrote:
>First, I am seeking a word. I am not comfortable with season's greetings. 
>I'd like a new word, perhaps an acronym, that expresses Merry Christmas, 
>Happy Hannukah, Salaam, Happy Kwanza, and whatever Native American salute 
>there is for this season. Please reply with some suggestions.

I tend to wish people a Happy Holiday Season and a Healthy New Year-- that 
even gets the Hindus included, since their festival of lights, Divali, 
comes in late November or early December, and no matter what religion you 
are (or are not), if you ain't got your health, what have you got?

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